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UCL Science Magazine
UCL Science Magazine (UCLSCIMAG), journalism written by students. Covers physics, chemistry, biology, nature, computer science, data science and technology news

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, 2nd October, 2024: Pub Quiz & Mixer Social @ the Star of Kings (6pm - 9pm)

Pub Quiz & Mixer Social (Science Magazine x MedTech Society)
Get your thinking caps (and maybe a pint) ready for the ultimate Pub Quiz, a collaboration between UCL Science Magazine and MedTech Society! 🧠⚡ All UCL students are welcome to attend - this is a great opportunity for freshers to socialise with students from different courses and get involved with our societies in a fun and relaxed environment. We will be playing in teams of 2 - 6, which can be organised once you arrive, and there will be PRIZES for the winning team! So, grab your friends, grab a drink, and join us for a fun night of laughs, questions, and a bit of friendly rivalry - see you there :)Venue: The Star of Kings, 126, York Way, Kings Cross, N1 0AXTo attend, make sure you’ve bought your £2 ticket and get FREE taster memberships to both Science Magazine and MedTech society.

Tuesday, 15th October, 2024: STEMathon @ Bloomsbury campus, room location TBC (6pm - 8pm): This is a taster event open to all UCL students, including non-members! Get your free ticket here:

Calling all STEM enthusiasts - join us for an exciting taster session: our 2024 STEMathon, a competition that will test your debate and critical thinking skills! We live in an era where STEM is at the heart of almost every major breakthrough, from curing diseases to exploring the depths of space. Through a group debate, we’ll challenge our understanding of a controversial STEM topic, question what’s possible, and come up with creative problem-solving ideas. Do come along to participate or support your friends, and we will have a Meet & Greet afterwards so that you can get to know each other and find out more about our societies!The debate question will be posted on our social media closer to the day of the STEMathon and there will be time to research and prepare at the event itself!

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